Effects of Family Participation Program on Knowledge Outcome, Health Promoting Behaviors and Blood Pressure Outcomes in Pre-hypertension Adult in Khok Yang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Prakhon Chai district, Buri Ram Province


  • Watchara Sangiamsak Khok Yang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital


Family Participation, Knowledge outcome, Health promoting behaviors, Pre-hypertension Adult


Purposes: To study the effects of family participation program on knowledge outcome, health promoting behaviors and blood pressure outcomes in pre-hypertension adult in Khok Yang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Buri Ram province.

Study design:  Quasi-experimental study.

Materials and Methods: 86 of participants were pre-hypertension adult in  area of Ban Khok Yang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, 43 of divided into experimental and comparison group. The experimental group was a family participation program consisted of 7 activities with a duration of 12 weeks. Data was collected using a questionnaire, tests and physical examination records. Descriptive statistics were analyzed and comparison of mean score differences of knowledge outcome variables, health behaviors and blood pressure after an intergroup experimental group were performed using an independent t-test at 95% confidence interval (95%CI).

Main findings: After 12 weeks of trial, the experimental group had a mean score of knowledge about hypertension than the comparison group (p<.001), with a mean score of knowledge about hypertension greater than 6.69 scores (95%CI; p < .001). 5.41, 7.97); the experimental group had a higher mean health behavior score than comparison group (p<.001), with a mean health behavior score greater than 0.84 scores (95%CI; 0.69, 0.99); After trial, the experimental group had mean systolic blood pressure less than comparison group (p<.001), with mean systolic blood pressure less than 18.27 mmHg. (95%CI; 12.15, 24.40), and after trial, the experimental group had mean diastolic blood pressure less than the comparison group (p<.001), with mean systolic blood pressure less than 23.07 mmHg. (95%CI; 19.04, 27.09).

Conclusion and recommendations: The results of this study indicate that program this resulted an knowledge increased, health promoting behaviors and blood pressure outcomes  keep decreasing.


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2024-04-24 — Updated on 2024-04-24


How to Cite

Sangiamsak W. Effects of Family Participation Program on Knowledge Outcome, Health Promoting Behaviors and Blood Pressure Outcomes in Pre-hypertension Adult in Khok Yang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Prakhon Chai district, Buri Ram Province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 24 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):15-30. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrhi/article/view/270655