The Study of Health Promotion Behavior among Buddhist Monks in Nakhon Phanom Province
Health Promotion Behavior, Health Belief Model, Buddhist MonksAbstract
Purposes : To study factors related to the health promotion behaviors of monks, identify problems, obstacles, and propose solutions for the development of health promotion behaviors among monks in Nakhon Phanom province.
Study design : Mixed Methods Research
Materials and Methods : The sample group consists of monks and individuals involved in promoting the health of monks in Nakhon Phanom province. The research includes: 1) quantitative research with a sample of 320 monks using a questionnaire. 2) Qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with 16 individuals associated with promoting the health of monks. The research tools used include a questionnaire. Additionally, interviews were conducted to gather opinions on problems, obstacles, and suggestions. Data analysis was performed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square statistics, and binary logistic regression for quantitative data. Qualitative data content was summarized using content analysis.
Main findings : The awareness of risk opportunities and severity were statistically significant in relation to health promotion behaviors among monks in Nakhon Phanom province at a significance level of 0.05. But, personal characteristics, perceived benefits, and perceived obstacles do not show a significant relationship with behavioral practices. And monks have little access to health services. There are limitations according to the principles of Dhamma and discipline in exercising. Refusing health assessments and behavior modification.
Conclusion and recommendations : In conclusion, relevant organizations involved in monk healthcare should prioritize monk health and support increased access to healthcare services. Establishing proactive health check-up teams and providing training to kitchen staff and relatives for preparing healthy meals for monks are recommended.
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