Health literacy and preventative behaviors for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) of the people who received the Vaccines against COVID-19 service at the service point of Khon Kaen Hospital


  • สงกรานต์ กลั่นด้วง กลุ่มงานสุขศึกษา โรงพยาบาลขอนแก่น


Health Literacy, COVID-19, Health Behaviors


The objective of this descriptive study was to know health literacy and preventative behaviors for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) of the people who received the vaccines against COVID-19 service at the service point of Khon Kaen Hospital between July – September 2021.The 310 samples were selected stratified random sampling by qualifications was a group of people who receive vaccination services able to read and write voluntarily provide information .
The relevant results shown that, 37.10 % were male, 62.90 % were female, Most of the respondents age between 20-39 years, accounted for 62.9 % followed by the age group of 40-59 years, accounting for 27.10 % and graduated with Bachelor's degree/High Vocational bachelor degrees. 59.68% followed by high school/vocational level accounted for 33.23%.
Basic health knowledge in the prevention of COVID-19 at a very good level for 99.68 %.
and the mean is equal to 11.68 (SD= 0.92) was a very good level of health literacy which is the basic health knowledge in the prevention of COVID-19 at the target level and behaviors in the prevention of COVID-19 at a very good level accounted for 89.35% and the mean was have correct health care behaviors at a very good level. It was a behavior at the target level (good to very good).
At a good level, but people are still familiar with the way of life and there need to had group activities for all ages and genders want to attend a party or have group activities. Therefore, self-protection advice should be given, providing information on the prevention of COVID-19 continuously. Importantly, promote and support people to receive vaccines against COVID-19. as quickly and as possible.


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How to Cite

กลั่นด้วง ส. Health literacy and preventative behaviors for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) of the people who received the Vaccines against COVID-19 service at the service point of Khon Kaen Hospital. วารสารศอ.7 [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];14(1). Available from: