Correlation of Fine Needle Aspirate Cytology and Surgical Pathology Results for Thyroid Nodule in Ratchaburi Hospital


  • Siriluk Suphawong -


Fine needle aspiration, Thyroid nodules, Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity


Background: Thyroid nodule is a common problem in otolaryngology in countries where the population does not get enough iodine. If ultrasound examination is used. 5-10% of thyroid nodule is caused by thyroid cancer, so it is necessary to diagnose and identify patients at high risk of thyroid cancer in order to diagnose and treat appropriately. Using a small needle to suck a biopsy for cytological examination (FNA) is a simple, convenient, safe, fast, and effective method. Based on this research, the researcher hopes that the information can be used for use or development in the future. If there is enough cytologist, the FNA clinic can be opened with a cytologist to screen whether the cells are sufficiently stored. If this is not enough, additional punctures may be required in a single procedure. This is so that patients do not have to waste time and do not suffer many times. Doctors do not have to re-puncture. To reduce costs that will benefit all parties.

Objectives: To study accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of FNA in thyroid nodules compared with surgical pathology.

Methods: This is a descriptive retrospective study of the patients with thyroid nodules in routine ENT clinical practice in Ratchaburi Hospital from 4 January 2019 to 30 December 2021.The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of FNA were analyzed using surgical pathology as gold standard.

Results: The results of this study have limitations in data collection because it is a retrospective data collection. This makes it possible to store some interesting information. Of the 924 thyroid nodule cancer studies, 306 patients were eligible for the study, including 274 females (89.5%) and 32 males (10.5%). 94.6% Sensitivity 97.6% Specificity 90.6% Reading and histological results showed that in Ratchaburi Hospital, the proportion of pathology was benign at 57.5% and malignancy at 42.5%.

Conclusions: The predictive value of FNA for thyroid nodules in Ratchaburi Hospital is similar to the other hospitals. It is able to use as reference for management the cases of thyroid nodules.

Author Biography

Siriluk Suphawong, -



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How to Cite

Suphawong, S. (2023). Correlation of Fine Needle Aspirate Cytology and Surgical Pathology Results for Thyroid Nodule in Ratchaburi Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 3(2), 40–55. retrieved from



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