The effectiveness of “PCK. EWS score” (Pediatrics) among pneumonia pediatric patients at Prachomklao hospital, Phetchaburi province
PCK EWS score”(Pediatrics), Pneumonia, pediatric patientsAbstract
Objective: To compare unplanned intensive care unit admission rates, complications, mortality rates, and length of stay in pediatric patients with pneumonia when assessed by using the “PCK EWS score (in pediatrics),” a critical early warning and monitoring form for pediatric emergencies, to help facilitate rapid care and reduce admission rates to unplanned intensive care units.
Method: This is retrospective descriptive research. By comparing the results of using the “PCK-EWS score” (pediatrics) assessment form in pediatric patients with pneumonia aged 1 month-15 years who were admitted to the pediatric ward, Phrachomklao Hospital in Phetchaburi Province between the group of pediatric patients who were admitted between November 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021, and were assessed with the “PCK-EWS score” (pediatrics), and pediatric patients admitted between January 1 and October 31, 2020, for whom the “PCK-EWS score” (pediatrics) has not yet been applied.
Results: The PCK-EWS score assessment of pneumonia in pediatric patients could statistically significantly decrease the incidences of unplanned ICU and complications (p 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in mortality rate or length of stay between the two groups.
Conclusion: Using the “PCK-EWS score” (Pediatrics) for critical monitoring of children with pneumonia reduces the incidence of complications and the incidence of unplanned intensive care unit transfers.
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