Competency of The Nurse’s Supervisor Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute for Emerging Disease Situations
Nurse Supervisor, Competency, Emerging DiseaseAbstract
Background : Nurse supervisor worked as a nursing supervision, coordinating, consultant and are assigned by a head nurse to supervise the orderliness of the agencies affiliated with the nursing group in various fields. Therefore, when the outbreak of COVID-19 with severe and pandemic, out-of-hours nurses are important.
Objectives: 1. to study the competency of nurse’s supervisor at Bamrasnaradura Institute in Emerging disease situation 2. to assess the competency of nurse’s supervisor at Bamrasnaradura Institute in situations of emerging diseases 3. To compare the differences in the assessment of the competency of the nurses from the self-assessment and colleagues.
Materials/Methods: The descriptive research was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was to study the competency of nurse’s supervisor at Bamrasnaradura Institute in the situation of emerging diseases from 11 nurses administration. The second phase was evaluating the competency of the nurses, by 40 nurse’s supervisor and 110 professional nurse colleagues. The tools used for data collection are nurse’s supervisor competency assessment form. Data were collected between June 2020 and January 2022. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, percentage, and standard deviation.
Results: Phase 1 study found that competency of nurse’s supervisor Bamrasnaradura Institute in the situation of emerging diseases in 7 areas are as follows: 1) Leadership 2) Communication and relationship building 3) Technology and Information 4) Social 5) Ethics, Code of Conduct and Law 6) Nursing and Midwifery Practice 7) Professional characteristics. Phase 2 study found that the overall competency was at a high level and the assessment of the professional nurse colleagues was at a high level too.
Conclusions: This research results findings in the emerging disease situation, it is a disease that has never been taken care of before. Therefore, the nursing organization needs someone who can manage and implement it according to professional standards and be safe from the disease. In addition, the results of the study will be used to develop the competency development plan of the inspecting nurse to have a better performance.
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