Comparison of Factors affecting Trainsient Tachypnea of The Newborn in Krathumbaen Hospital Samutsakhon province
transient tachypnea, newbornAbstract
Objective: To compare the factors affecting transient tachypnea of newborns (TTNB) in Krathumbaen Hospital Samutsakhon Province.
Methodology: This research is a Case-Control study. Medical records of babies born in Krathumbaen Hospital Samutsakhon Province between January 2020 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Using specifying qualifications for the sample selection, the samples were divided into 2 groups: 144 regular breathing newborns and 144 newborns with TTNB. The collected information from medical records was from the mother's personal data record form and personal information of newborns. Data were analyzed by descriptive, Chi-square and Independent t - test analysis.
Results: When comparing data between normal newborns and newborns with TTNB, it was found that maternal factors including ethnicity and gestational age were significantly different (P<.05). Infant factors including birth weight, Apgar score at minutes 1, 5, and body temperature at the hospital ward were also significantly different (P<.05).
Conclusion: The study found both maternal and newborn factors that might have an influence on the incidence of TTNB. Actions for prevention and reduction of TTNB in Krathumbaen Hospital should be developed. This can be done primarily by maintaining the baby's body temperature within the normal range. Other factors should be analyzed for more effective TTNB prevention in the future.
Keywords: transient tachypnea, newborn
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