Human Resource Management of Healthcare Organization in 21st Century Era


  • กิติกร วิชัยเรืองธรรม ศูนย์หัวใจและสมอง รอยัลฮาร์ท โรงพยาบาลหัวหิน


human resource management (HRM), health care organization, 21st century era



        Human resource management has become an important strategic partner and the management of the same has become a challenging task for Human resource (HR) managers. Now a day, the role of human resource management departments has become indispensable for 21st century modern healthcare businesses. This article particularly focuses on changing role of human resource management practices in 21st century. This theoretical paper aims to highlight the importance of human resource management, HR practices and its influencing factors such as globalization, demographic changes (aging, diversity), prevention and disease management, technological innovation, market competition, consumer mindset of patients, quality and evidence-based medicine, information technology and decision support system, security, privacy, and patient safety.

                The literature analysis has been conducted to present emerging issues, challenges and practices of the human resource management discipline of health care organization in context of the 21st century.



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How to Cite

วิชัยเรืองธรรม ก. (2021). Human Resource Management of Healthcare Organization in 21st Century Era. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(2), 26–43. Retrieved from



Review article