Magnetic Auricular Acupressure: Nursing Care for Pain Relief


  • ชุติมา เทียนชัยทัศน์ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลพระจอมเกล้า จ.เพชรบุรี
  • รตินันท์ เกียรติมาลา
  • จินตนา กุณฑีทอง


Keywords: Magnetic Auricular Acupressure, Nursing Care, Pain Relief


Pain has long been a major health issue, affecting not only patients’ lives but also their families, health care providers, and health care systems. The use of auricular acupoints originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. The use of magnets as a component of complementary and alternative medicine is increasingly common. In general, magnetic auricular acupuncture is the stimulation of specific acupuncture points through the skin with magnetics, which aims to correct imbalances in traditional Chinese medicine. Nowadays, there are several non-pharmacological strategies for pain management. The magnetic auricular Acupressure is simple, non-invasive and has no drug side effects. As a non-invasive, semi-self-managed, non-pharmacological technique for pain relief, magnetic auricular acupressure has minimal side effects and, therefore, may be particularly acceptable to Pain Relief.  This paper introduces auricular point acupressure, a magnetic auricular acupuncture technique that (1) features the use of magnetic instead of needles and (2) treats only the acupoints located on the surface of the ear. The technique not only offers a less invasive alternative to acupuncture, but also can be self-managed the patient is instructed to press the points on which the magnetic have been placed at regular intervals and as needed to decrease pain. Nurses can use magnetic auricular acupressure on nursing practice for pain management.




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How to Cite

เทียนชัยทัศน์ ช., เกียรติมาลา ร. ., & กุณฑีทอง . . . จ. . (2021). Magnetic Auricular Acupressure: Nursing Care for Pain Relief . Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(3), 64–76. Retrieved from



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