Promoting Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline on Ventilation Associated-Pneumonia Program on Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation among head Injured Patients


  • jiranuwat chansungnoen


Promoting Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline program, Mechanical Ventilation, ventilation associated-Pneumonia, head Injured Patients


The purpose of this quasi experimental research was to compare the effect promoting clinical nursing practice guideline on ventilation associated-pneumonia program on Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation among head Injured Patients. The sample is head Injured Patients on mechanical ventilation in 24 hour that was 40 qualified cases. 20 cases were the control group, 20 cases were the experiment group by considering to similarity on the Glasgow coma score were in the same level and intubation of the head injury patients. The control group received routine nursing care. The experimental group derived the Promoting Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline on ventilation associated-Pneumonia program, consisting of 4 steps: 1) Build relationships, 2) planning activities for prevention of pneumonitis in head injury patients with mechanical ventilator, 3) practice in treating head Injured Patients on mechanical ventilation and 4) evaluation of practice. The instruments were a program for promoting nursing practice guidelines for patients using mechanical ventilator on the occurrence of pneumonitis in head injury patients, demographic data sheet and Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation questionnaire. The Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation questionnaire was tested for reliability with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .92. Data were analyzed using Independent t-test.

The results: Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation among head Injured Patients score of the experiment group after the program less than the control group with the statistically significant (t = 1.042, p < .05)


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How to Cite

chansungnoen, jiranuwat. (2021). Promoting Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline on Ventilation Associated-Pneumonia Program on Incidence of Mechanical Ventilation among head Injured Patients. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from



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