Comparison of the Effect of Video Watching VS Small Group Teaching of Dental Health Program Among Pregnant Women at the Antenatal Care Clinic (ANC), Makarak Hospital



  • ณัฐฐา ทวีศักดิ์ โรงพยาบาลมะการักษ์
  • Kitiporn Chaimaungchuen Dental Department, Makarak Hospital
  • Prapaporn Doungmanee Dental Department, Makarak Hospital


dental health program, pregnant women, video media




The objective of this quasi-experimental was to compare a knowledge of dental health care during pregnancy of pregnant women before and after attending dental health programs. Two dental health programs were video education and small group teaching by dental assistants. Sixty pregnant women at the antenatal care clinic (ANC), Makarak hospital were divided into two groups. A controlled group consisted of 30 pregnant women was given a video media education and an experimental group consisted of another 30 pregnant received small group teaching by dental assistants. Questionnaires were used to collect data during June - August 2019. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and comparative analysis using Chi square test, Independent t–test, and Dependent t–test, with a significance level of .05

          The results revealed that the group of pregnancy under this study aged between 17-32 years old and gestational age between 7-23 weeks. A pre-test knowledge average score of a controlled group and experimental group were 9.9 and 10.63, respectively. After participating in the program, a post-test knowledge average score of a controlled and experimental group had increased to 11.67 and 12.27, respectively. The controlled and experimental group had an average knowledge score of dental health care during pregnancy increased after attended the program with a statistical significance level of <.00. In summary, a pre-test knowledge showed that both groups was statistical insignificance. After joining the program both controlled, and experimental group showed post-test knowledge of dental health significantly higher than that of pre-test knowledge (p<.05).

          The dental health programs both video media education and small group teaching by dental assistants were able to increase knowledge of dental health in pregnant women. An appropriate dental health program may be chosen and practiced based on area context.

Keywords: dental health program, pregnant women, video media



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How to Cite

ทวีศักดิ์ ณ., Chaimaungchuen, K., & Doungmanee, P. (2020). Comparison of the Effect of Video Watching VS Small Group Teaching of Dental Health Program Among Pregnant Women at the Antenatal Care Clinic (ANC), Makarak Hospital : -. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 5(2), 54–56. retrieved from



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