The Incidence of Periprosthetic Joint Infection after Intra-articular steroid injection in Total Knee Replacement at Kampaengsan Hospital


  • ปวิทย์ ยวงเงิน โรงพยาบาลกำแพงแสน


Periprosthetic joint infection, Intraarticular steroid injection, Total knee replacement


Objective: To study the incidence of periprosthetic joint infection after intra-articular steroid injection to cases of total knee replacement in Kampaengsan hospital

Method: This is a Descriptive  research. Data were collected from medical records of patients underwent total knee replacement in Kampaengsan hospital from October 2016 to December 2018. The data collected included genders, ages, body mass index (BMI), underlying diseases, the time gap between the last injection and total knee arthroplasty, date of operation and date of last follow up time. The incidence of superficial wound infection and deep space infection according to criteria of Parvizi J et al was identified. Data were analyzed by  descriptive statistics.

Result: Of total 70 patients (82 knees), 88.57 % were female, and age ranged 54-78 years (mean = 67 years). The average BMI was 27 kg/m2. The time gap between the last injection and total knee arthroplasty range 35-413 days (mean = 61 days). After follow up time at least 1 year. No incidence of superficial wound infection or deep space infection after Total knee arthroplasty was found.

Conclusion: No incidence of periprosthetic joint infection after intra-articular steroid injection to cases of total knee replacement in Kampaengsan hospital


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How to Cite

ยวงเงิน ป. (2019). The Incidence of Periprosthetic Joint Infection after Intra-articular steroid injection in Total Knee Replacement at Kampaengsan Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 4(3), e0067. retrieved from