The study of government officer’s opinion of core competency in Banpong Hospital
opinion, core competency, Banpong HospitalAbstract
This research study is quantitative research. (Quantitative Research) by using descriptive research by data collection with questionnaire (Questionnaire) objectives are to study 1.To study the level of core competencies of the staff at Ban Pong Hospital 2.To compare the main competencies of the staff of Ban Pong Hospital According to personal factors that are different. 3.To be a guideline for the development of core competencies of personnel at Ban Pong Hospital in accordance with the policy of health personnel development between 1-20 November, 2019. The sample is hospital personnel. Ban Pong, a total of 263 people. This research is a survey research (Survey) using a questionnaire to collect data. Probability sampling was conducted by selecting simple random sampling from all types of staff belonging to Ban Pong Hospital, the statistics used for data analysis were percentage, arithmetic mean. standard deviation T-test, One-way Analysis of Variance. In case of statistically significant difference of mean values, LSD is tested in pairs.
The results of the research revealed that 1.The level of core competencies of the personnel at Ban Pong Hospital had an overall level of opinions on the core competencies at a medium level ( =3.97, S.D.= 0.574). Must be righteous, have the highest mean (
= 4.15, S.D. = 0.607), with the mean of the highest level, followed by teamwork With an average of a high level (
= 4.08, S.D. = 0.616) for good service There is a high level of average (
= 4.00, S.D. = 0.631). With the average value at a medium level (
= 3.97, S.D. = 0.574) and the smallest is In accumulating professional expertise The average values were at a moderate level (
= 3.65, S.D. = 0.645) respectively. 2. The personnel of Ban Pong Hospital had different personal factors such as gender. Different opinions about main competencies Ban Pong Hospital personnel who are different in age and affiliated with work groups have different opinions about their core competencies. And personnel at Ban Pong Hospital With education Duration of work Different operational statuses and positions have different opinions regarding core competencies.
From the study, it is able to propose guidelines for the development of core competencies of personnel at Ban Pong Hospital in accordance with the policy on health personnel development. There should be development of knowledge management in relation to job responsibilities. Has improved So the personnel has the core competency at the highest level And the performance of duties in providing services are more efficient.
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บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารหัวหินเวชสาร เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของโรงพยาบาลหัวหิน
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