Food Consumption Behavior of Senior High School Students in Watjuntrawart(Sukprasarnrat) School Phetchaburi Province


  • Aravan Mungvongsa Department of Public Health, Phetchaburi Ratchapat University
  • Koonwadee Khangwa คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพชรบุรี


food consumption behavior, senior high school student




The objective of this survey research was investigated the effect of personal, knowledge, and attitude factors to food consumption behavior of high school students in Watjuntrawart (Sukprasarnrat) School, Phetchaburi Province. Sample group was a high school student (year 4-6) that was studying at 2nd semester of academic year 2018 in Watjuntrawart (Sukprasarnrat) School, Phetchaburi Province. This sample group had the 240 students, which was selected from the random sample stratification chart. The developed research questionnaire was used for a research tool that included the general information, knowledge, attitude, and food consumption behavior. The descriptive statistics were used for data analysis, including the frequency, percentile, average, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient.         

          The research finding were that personal factors related to food consumption behavior with correlation coefficient (r) of personal factors, including gender, educational level, money received from parents, parent occupation, and parent income were 0.198, 0.138, 0.218, 0.164, and 0.201, the average score level of food consumption knowledge had a moderate level as 77.57 percent. The average score level of food consumption attitude had a high level as 87 percent. And the average score level of food consumption behavior had a moderate level as 70.31 percent. Analysis results is the different personnel factors had positive relationship with food consumption behaviors with statistical significantly at 0.05. The food consumption knowledge had  positive relationship with food consumption behavior with a moderate level with statistical significantly. (r=0.528, p<0.01). And the food consumption attitude had positive relationship with food consumption behavior with a low level with statistical significantly. (r=0.465,  p<0.01). Conclusion, there were significant correlation between personal, knowledge, attitude factors and food consumption behaviour.


Author Biography

Aravan Mungvongsa, Department of Public Health, Phetchaburi Ratchapat University



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How to Cite

Mungvongsa, A., & Khangwa, K. (2020). Food Consumption Behavior of Senior High School Students in Watjuntrawart(Sukprasarnrat) School Phetchaburi Province. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 5(1), 1–17. retrieved from



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