Comparison of smoking cessation between the foot reflexology technique and usual providing health educations of the client in cessation clinic at Don Sai Health Promotion Amphoe Photharam Ratchaburi


  • สมศรี โพธิ์ประสิทธิ์ โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตาบลดอนทราย
  • จารุพร จันทาศรี โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตาบลดอนทราย


Foot reflexology technique, Usual providing health education, Smoking cessation


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research aimed to compare of smoking cessation between the foot reflexology technique and usual providing health educations of the client in cessation clinic at Don Sai Health Promotion Hospital Amphoe Photharam Ratchaburi during December 2017 - June 2018. 50 people are divided into 2 groups 1) The group has been foot reflexology technique. 2) The group has been providing health education. The tools utilized in the research such as the foot reflexology technique handbook, general interview questions and smoking habits record form. Data were analyzed by the uses of frequency, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test and chi-square test. The research found that, the group has been foot reflexology technique and group has been providing health educations are similar general information. Male 92%, No disease 52%, and 72% respectively, similar education are secondary 60% and 76% respectively, Earn up to 5,000 bath 52% and 80% respectively, average age show as 44.56% and 46.28% respectively. Comparative results of the first group can stop smoking more than the second group. There were statistically significant (p<0.05) When measuring in two months and three months. Research result can show that foot reflexology technique as an alternative to smoking cessation for these interested and can be adapted to the public health service in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), to be a treatment for cure, reduce risk behavior and complications from smoking. This is a holistic patient care.


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How to Cite

โพธิ์ประสิทธิ์ ส., & จันทาศรี จ. (2019). Comparison of smoking cessation between the foot reflexology technique and usual providing health educations of the client in cessation clinic at Don Sai Health Promotion Amphoe Photharam Ratchaburi. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 3(1), 85–96. Retrieved from



Case report