The suitability of time for applied hot pack, Physiotherapy department, Hua Hin Hospital


  • สุทธชัย ใจบาล นักกายภาพบำบัด
  • ศุภรานันท์ เรืองพุก นักกายภาพบำบัด
  • ณัฐนันท์ แซ่ตั้ง นักกายภาพบำบัดปฏิบัติการ


Time, hydrocollator, physiotherapy


Backgrounds : The treatment by superficial heat , especially the hotpack is use to reduce muscle pain and increase blood circulation in sub-acute to chronic phase of inflammation. The hot pack quit at risk of burn because it is applied directly on the skin. So, it is necessary to pack 6 to 10 layers of towels on their that will have the suitable temperature between 40-45 celcius. How ever the suitable time to apply each hot pack are vary from day by day, depending on the number of patients and some patients need the time longer. Typically, the duration is 20 minites but there are a lot of patients so, If it can be reduce the time to apply the hot pack and the temperature still suitable for treatment. So this research to study the suitable of time for applied hot pack at physical therapy department , huahin hospital. Method : This semi-experimental research aimed to study the suitability of time for applied hot pack. The samples consisted of 60 patients with chronic low back pain. The instruments used in this study were a 100% cotton towel, size 30x54 inches ,the Hot pack size 11x19inches, a hydrocollator which controlled the temperature between 73-80 degree celsius, a thermometer and the record form. The temperature were recorded at 5 ,10 , 15 , 20 minites .The descriptive statisticswere used for analysis. Result : The results showed that the suitability of time for applied hot pack was 15 minites since the begining applied hot pack. The suitability average temperature of the hotpack was 42 degree celcius. Normally, the temperature between 40-45 degree celcius was suitable for treatment. Conclusion : This study suggested that should be apply the hot pack for 15 minutes that suitable for treatment and reduce the time for treatment at physical therapy department huahin hospital


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How to Cite

ใจบาล ส., เรืองพุก ศ., & แซ่ตั้ง ณ. (2019). The suitability of time for applied hot pack, Physiotherapy department, Hua Hin Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(2), 66–77. retrieved from