The suitability of the hot pack wrapped , Physiotherapy department , Hua Hin Hospital


  • ศุภรานันท์ เรืองพุก นักกายภาพบาบัด
  • สุทธชัย ใจบาล นักกายภาพบาบัดปฏิบัติการ
  • ณัฐนันท์ แซ่ตั้ง นักกายภาพบาบัดชานาญการ


hydrocollator, physiotherapy, hot pack wrapped


This semi-experimental research aimed to study the suitability layer of towel wrapping the hot pack was suitable for treatment. The instruments used in this study were a 100% cotton towel, size 30x54 inches ,the Hot pack size 11x19 inches, a hydrocollator which controlled the temperature between 73-80 degree celsius, a thermometer and the record form. To collect data in patients with chronic low back pain who come to treatment in the hospital (n=9) from 23 september 2014 to 27 september 2014 . Wrapping the hot pack with the towel in diffirent layers . The descriptive statistics were used for analysis. The results showed that the 10 layers of towel wrapping the hot pack was suitable for treatment , temperature between 40-45 degree celsius. The six layers of towel was wrapping the hot pack, not suitable for treatment because temperature was too high and patients could be at the risk of getting burned . For the fourteen layers of towel wrapping the hot pack, the temperature was too low so that made it poor treatment . This study suggested that there should be use the 10 layers of towel wrapping the hot pack for protection of getting burned from hot pack wrapped at Physiotherapy department, Hua Hin Hospital.


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How to Cite

เรืองพุก ศ., ใจบาล ส., & แซ่ตั้ง ณ. (2019). The suitability of the hot pack wrapped , Physiotherapy department , Hua Hin Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(1), 44–51. retrieved from



Case report