Study on Factor and Readiness of Traditional Medicine Manufacturers Development: a Case study of Traditional Medicine Manufacturers in Health Service Network Area 11th

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Kamonrat Nuttayakul


The objectives of this study were to investigate factors, readiness and barriers in conforming of traditional medicine manufacturers in health service network area 11th to the regulations about Thai traditional medicine manufacturing practice principle in February 8, 2016. In-depth interview and questionnaire were used in this study in 25 Thai traditional medicine manufactures that its collected data between January and June, 2017. The study found that the main factors to develop an own traditional medicine establishment to standard were law enforcement (64%) and the entrepreneurs’ self-desire (12%). The results of the study on the readiness of each entrepreneur to reach to the Thai traditional medicine manufacture standard showed that 9 entrepreneurs (36%) were ready to expand the area of factories. Most entrepreneur
owners need assistance from government include marketing (36%), sources of capital fund (28%), and consultation system about standard criteria and documentation production (8%). In conclusion, all Thai traditional medicine entrepreneurs knew as they have to improve factory to meet the standard. However, the main development obstacles that they lack of investment to improve facilities, uncertainty of the product marketing as concern about invest, and lack of consultation system about standard criteria and documentation productions.

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How to Cite
Nuttayakul K. Study on Factor and Readiness of Traditional Medicine Manufacturers Development: a Case study of Traditional Medicine Manufacturers in Health Service Network Area 11th. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];27(3):26-33. Available from:
Research Article


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