The Situation and Factors Affecting on Communication in Hazardous Substances Law


  • Sunantha Puntuwan กองควบคุมเครื่องสำอางและวัตถุอันตราย สำนักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา
  • Wannaporn Srisukontarat Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances Division, Food and Drug Administration


communication, competent officials, Hazardous Substances Act B.E. 2535, hazardous substances entrepreneurs, hazardous substances law


This study aimed to (1) evaluate and analyze the situations in communication of the
hazardous substances rules and regulations information between Thai Food and Drug Administration
(Thai FDA) and receivers: hazardous substances entrepreneurs and competent officials (2) find and
analyze the factors affecting on the communication situations and (3) seek the groups’ expectation
to improve Thai FDA’s communication process. The research was conducted from December 2018
to July 2019. A questionnaire content was created by using Berlo’s SMCR Model theory as the
fundamental concept. The data were collected from 2 sample groups which were 315 entrepreneurs
and 93 competent officials by using non-probability sampling purposive. Data were analyzed by
using descriptive statistics to enumerate frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and
using inferential statistics, one sample t-test, to infer the data from sampling groups to population.
The results were found that (1) sampling groups had a high potential on internet using by searching
the Hazardous Substances Control Group website as a main channel to access the rules and
regulations information (2) during July to December 2018, the groups received messages from
3 main channels including website, official documents/letters disseminated, also training and
meetings that arranged by the Hazardous Substances Control Group. The contents of the rules
and regulations information and the presentation patterns were fairy difficult to understand,
but these messages were very beneficial to them and (3) when the study was assumed to the
population by using the Berlo’s SMCR in 4 dimensions, it was found that (3.1) Source: Thai FDA
has to speed up the communication sending process by planning in advance and publicize
Thai FDA’s channels to the receivers, (3.2) Message: Thai FDA has to adjust the contents to be
more easily to understand and not complicated by using the easy presentation techniques for
understanding and recognition, (3.3) Communication channel: using the e-mail as the main channel
for sending the information and creating new channels of information communication, especially
LINE application and other social media, and (3.4) Receiver: Thai FDA has to encourage the
receivers about basic knowledge in rule and regulation of hazardous substances and adjust
attitude and behavior in acquisition of hazardous substances legal knowledge.


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How to Cite

Puntuwan S, Srisukontarat W. The Situation and Factors Affecting on Communication in Hazardous Substances Law. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2020 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(1):53-69. available from:



Research Article