Analysis and Development of Food Categorization Based on International Principles and Standards

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Supattra Boonserm
Jarunee Intrasook


Recently, food categorization in Thailand by Thai FDA is required for two purposes as for pre-marketing registration based on related Notifications of Ministry of Public Health and for the use of food additives based on the notifications of Ministry of Public Health regarding food additives that have different criteria for classification leading to increase work process of both competent officers and food business operators. The objectives of this study are to analyze situation and problems on food categorization and to provide a new concept with clear criteria for food categorization by reviewing international standards and principles as Codex standards including
regulations or guidance from other countries (European Union, United State of America, and India). From the study, the new concept of food categorization is proposed by establishing 17 Main food categories for comprehensive types of food products launched in the market. Clear and practical criteria for the classification are provided by 4 criteria as 1) Based ingredient of food product, 2) Processing method, 3) Purpose of use, and 4) Food characterization which are in lined with
international standard and principle or guidelines in other countries. In addition, food code which is applied to every food category is consistent with requirement of food additives resulting of complying condition of use for food additive regulation. The benefits of this new food category are to reduce working process for officers as well as to facilitate food business operators for self-classifying food product correctly and easily. An important measure for supporting this new concept of food categorization is to repeal some unnecessary Notifications of Ministry of Public Health and to revise Notifications of Ministry of Public Health related to specified food products
in order to update identity, quality, and safety requirements based on international standards

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How to Cite
Boonserm S, Intrasook J. Analysis and Development of Food Categorization Based on International Principles and Standards. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];27(1):13-26. Available from:
Research Article


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