Development of Risk-Based Approach for Safety Monitoring Program of New Drug in Thailand

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Wimon Suwankesawong
Patthareya Pokhakul


The study aimed to develop the safety monitoring program (SMP) regulatory guidelines of new marketed therapeutic medicinal products by risk-based approach in
Thailand. Methods: An action research to develop the regulatory guidelines was conducted from the relevant academic documents, focus group discussion in working group which composed of relevant purposive participants, public consultation and proposed to relevant committees to adopt before deciding the enforcement notice. The study was undergone during year 2016-2017. It covered the risk categorization of medicinal products’issues, pharmacovigilance methods and additional safety activities. Results: We stratified the risk based assessment of new drug, including new biological product and vaccine for human use, applications approval and categorized into 4 classes by levels of evidence; (1) High-Risk Class I: product with incomplete clinical trials or uncertain scientific support application should perform 2 years active vigilance until strong sufficient scientific support (2) Risk Class II: new chemical entities including new derivatives new derivatives, new indications or new
combinations application should perform 2 years intensified monitoring scheme (3) Risk Class III: new route of administration, new dosage form or new drug strength application should perform 1 years intensive monitoring scheme (4) Risk Class IV: new generic drugs containing active ingredient of unconditional approval new drug must mandatorily perform spontaneous reporting system. In addition, new drug applications class I-III have been compulsorily appointed contact person for PV: identify and communicate their s risk to healthcare professionals at their initial marketing. Conclusion: Each new drug has Risk-Based Approach
Safety Monitoring Program in 4 classes which related to the completeness of clinical study research, safety profile in Thai patients and experience or necessity of use submitted

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How to Cite
Suwankesawong W, Pokhakul P. Development of Risk-Based Approach for Safety Monitoring Program of New Drug in Thailand. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2019 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];26(3):11-24. available from:
Research Article


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