The Effectiveness of Discharge plan on Caregivers’ Knowledge and the Readmission of Pediatric Patients with Asthma in Thabo Crown Prince Hospital


  • Pradubpet Jenwipark Thabo Crown Prince Hospital
  • Wanlaya Kasritong Thabo Crown Prince Hospital
  • Noppcha Singweratham Faculty of Public Health, Chaing Mai University
  • Kittiporn Nawsuwan Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Songkhla, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health
  • Achara Kummatid Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udonthani, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health


Pediatric patient with asthma, Care givers, Discharge plan, Readmission


This quasi-experimental research with one-group pretest-posttest design aimed to examine the effectiveness of the discharge plan on caregivers’ knowledge and readmission of pediatric patient with asthma in Thabo Crown Prince Hospital.The participants included caregivers and pediatric patients with asthma (n=24). Research instrument was the clinical practice guideline based on D-Method. The Asthma’s knowledge questionnaire and the record of readmission form were also used as research tools. Index of item-objective congruence (IOC) ranged from .067-1.00 and Kuder-Rechardson-20 (KR-20) = 0.72 Paired t-test was implemented for data analysis. 

Research results revealed that after implementing the discharge plan (D-Method), the caregivers of pediatric patients with asthma had significantly higher asthma knowledge than that of before (p = .001) and did not readmission.

Therefore, Thabo Crown Prince hospital should implement the discharge plan (D-Method)  in special patient wards and the sub-district health promotion hospitals. Knowledge regarding stimulant factor avoidance, drug administration, asthma attack assessment in order to prevent recurrent asthma in pediatric patients in community setting should be encouraged.   


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How to Cite

Jenwipark, P., Kasritong, W. . ., Singweratham, N. ., Nawsuwan, K. ., & Kummatid , A. . (2022). The Effectiveness of Discharge plan on Caregivers’ Knowledge and the Readmission of Pediatric Patients with Asthma in Thabo Crown Prince Hospital. Journal of Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin, 12(2), 164–177. retrieved from



Research Article