The Effectiveness of Self–Efficacy Enhancing Program with Line Application on Breast Self-Examination of Nurses Student Boromrajonnani Nursing College, Surin Province


  • วัชรีวงค์ หวังมั่น Graduated student in Master of Nursing Science, Faculty of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Duangkamol Pinchaleaw Faculty of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Thipkhamporn Keskomon Police Nursing College


knowledge, self-efficacy, breast self-examination behavior, Line Application, student nurse


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effects of a self-efficacy enhancing program with line application for student nurses on knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination, self-efficacy, and breast self-examination behaviors. The sample were 40 females first year female nursing students of bachelor’s degree in nursing science, selected by the simple random sampling technique and they were divided into the experimental (20) and comparative (20) groups. The research instruments included: 1) the self-efficacy enhancing program with line application (which was) developed based on the self-efficacy concepts of Bandura (1997). The duration of the program was 8 weeks. 2) knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination, self-efficacy, and breast self-examination behaviors questionnaires. The research instruments had been validated by reliabilities and content validity. The reliabilities of these questionnaires were .83, .88 and .93, respectively. The content validity of knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination were 0.96 and the content validity of program were 0.99. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test.

The results revealed as follows: After attending the program, the scores of knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination, and self-efficacy, breast self-examination behaviors of the experimental group were significantly higher than before attending the program, as well as these results, were higher than the scores of comparative groups (p < .05). 

Recommendations for applying the research results can be applied to female students of other institutions to increase knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination skills. Medical practitioners ought to hold training programs for females students on how to perform self-breast examination and to have it examine by the doctor if there are unusual lumps.


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How to Cite

หวังมั่น ว., Pinchaleaw, D. . ., & Keskomon, T. . (2021). The Effectiveness of Self–Efficacy Enhancing Program with Line Application on Breast Self-Examination of Nurses Student Boromrajonnani Nursing College, Surin Province. Journal of Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin, 11(1), 1–14. Retrieved from



Research Article