Effectiveness of researchers’ competencies development program for raising meta-analysis capacity towards evidence-based practice
Systematic review, Meta-analysis, Researcher’s competency, Evidence-based practice, Research capacity buildingAbstract
Developing personnel with high potential in research is essential for driving the production of academic work and raising the standards of educational institutions. This quasi-experimental study utilized a one-group pre- and post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of a competency development program aimed at improving meta-analysis skills for evidence-based practice. Thirty lecturers from the Praboromarajchanok Institute participated in the study. The research instruments included: 1) a demographic questionnaire, 2) a knowledge assessment questionnaire,
3) a research competency questionnaire covering the research process, research management, and attitudes/ethics, and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire. Content validity was confirmed by experts, with Item Objective Congruence (IOC) values ranging from .67 to 1.00. The reliability of the instruments was also tested. The knowledge assessment questionnaire had a KR-21 reliability score of .73, while the research competency and satisfaction questionnaires demonstrated Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of .99 and .87, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and a dependent t-test. The results showed a statistically significant increase in participants' knowledge after completing the program (t=9.433, p=0.001). Additionally, post-intervention, participants reported significantly higher overall research competency scores compared to baseline scores (p<.001). The satisfaction score was also at the highest level (\bar{x}=4.83, SD=0.38). The research results indicate that this research capacity-building program enhances the abilities of the participants and should be applied to personnel development in other institutions to boost the production of advanced research work. Additionally, continuous monitoring of academic output is recommended.
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