Preliminary Stability Study of Clinacanthus nutans or Prayayor Cream

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Nophadon Luangpirom


This stability study of Clinacanthus nutans or Phayayor cream contained in the National List of Essential
Medicines B.E. 2561 (NLEM 2018) aimed to verify the appropriateness of the extraction and compounding methods. It has been well known that it is impossible to incorporate the ethanolic extract into oil/water (o/w) cream base since such a cream base will lose stability. So alcohol in the C. nutans ethanolic extract had to be removed or the extract had to be modified so that it could be incorporated into the o/w cream base to avoid incompatibility. The study suggests to emulsify the C. nutans extract with Tween 20 before incorporating it into the o/w cream base to resolve the incompatibility problem. The study also emphasized the importance of assuring and promoting the quality of Thai traditional medicines (e.g. Andrographis paniculata for treating pharyngotonsillitis, viral infections and diarrhea, and Phayayor cream against herpes virus). Thai traditional medicines are not only used at the primary care level, but also in the international market especially medical tourism as declared in the national Thai herbs policy.

Article Details

Preliminary Report


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