Situation of Herbal Solution Consumption and Factors Associated with Steroid-Adulterated Herbal Solutions in Ang Thong Province N/A

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Kanjana Nuanchuen


Rationale and Objective: This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to investigate the situation of herbal solutions consumption and factors related to steroid adulteration in herbal drinks in Ang Thong province. Methodology: The research was conducted from October 2015 through January 2016 among
a sample of 472 peoples selected by using the multi-stage sampling technique. Among all the participants, those who consumed herbal solutions were identified and interviewed in-depth to determine factors associated with their decisions in purchasing herbal drinks. Herbal products were also obtained from the participants and then tested for steroid adulteration using a steroid test kit supplied by the Department of Medical Science, Ministry of Public Health. Data were collected and then analysed using descriptive statistics to calculate frequency and percentage and to determine the association of factors related to steroid adulteration using the Fisher’s exact test. Results: Of all the participants, 71.2% were female, 23.1% (190) had consumed herbal solutions, 51.4% of whom were 51-70 years old, 58.7% with chronic diseases, 47.0% consuming for health purposes, 27.1% having bought from pharmacies, and 66.7% recognizing the products through recommendations of other people. Of all 44 herbal solutions samples (whose production process had been licensed by the Thai Food and Drug Administration) collected, 40 could be tested for steroid adulteration with the test kit. Of all tested samples, 35 (87.5%) were free of steroid whereas 5 (12.5%) were adulterated with steroids. And the types and medicinal properties of the herbal solutions were significantly associated with their steroid adulteration (p < 0.05). Discussion and Conclusion: Herbal solutions are frequently consumed by the people in Ang Thong province (23.1%). Of the products consumed, 12.5% were found to be steroid-adulterated. Most consumers purchase herbal solutions by acquiring information from other people.
Thus, strict control measures should be implemented against steroid adulteration in herbal solutions in all provinces to ensure the safety of consumers.

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Author Biography

Kanjana Nuanchuen, Angthong Provincial Public Health Office 122 Phophaya-tharvea Road, Muang Angthong 14000, Thailand.



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