A Preliminary Study on the Effectiveness and Side-effects of a Soybean Product on Pre- and Post- Menopausal Syndrome

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Anant Kanokslip
Kontee Suttanarak


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and side-effects of a soybean product on hot flushes and sweating in pre- and post-menopausal women attending Khumuang Hospital, using a doubleblind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial conducted in 30 healthy pre- or post-menopausal women aged 40- 59, randomized equally to group A, receiving 500 mg soybean (SB) products three times daily for six weeks followed by a placebo of 500 mg t.i.d. for six weeks, after a 24-hour washout period. The other group, group B, randomly received the 500 mg placebo t.i.d. for six weeks, followed by the 500 mg soybean products t.i.d. for six weeks after a 24-hour washout period. The menopausal rating scale index was used to assess the changes in menopausal symptoms. Statistical analysis was carried out using mean, standard deviation, paired t-test, independent t-test, Wilcoxon signed-ranks test and Mann Whitney U test. The data on both groups taking the SB products showed significant decreases in the symptoms of hot flushes, heart discomfort, mood disorder, irritability, anxiety, and joint and muscular discomfort compared with those taking the placebo, and a significant decrease in the mean of the total score (p=0.001). The study concluded that the soybean product (1,500 mg daily in three divided doses) may be a safe and effective alternative therapy for menopausal symptoms and
may offer a benefit by replacing hormone therapy and decreasing side-effects of hormone replacement therapy.

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