Ergonomic Design of Automatic Fish Scale Remover to Reduce Working Posture Risk among Fish Scale Removing Workers.

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Pimrapat Kongkhunthod
Thayanee Watcharosin
Kanyanut Seewunna
Thatsayamon Wongsat
Nittaya Sansoen
Supinya Khuaklang
Jiraporn Sunsernsuk
Kanjana Sriviset
Kritsada Phengarree


     The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to: (1) assess the fatigue of the fish scale removing workers on parts of the body; (2) assess the level of ergonomic risk ; and (3) ergonomically design   automatic fish scale remover to reduce working posture risk. A total of 16 samples was from 5 fish stores. Body part discomfort form, Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) form were used as a major tool for the ergonomic designing automatic fish scale remover to reduce work posture risk and body proportions design by Pheasant S.T. (1982) method. Results demonstrated that:(1) the most fatigable part on the left-side body was neck (56.25%)-upper back (50.00%), lower back (50.00%), hand and wrist (50.00%), respectively. The most fatigable part on the right-side body was the upper arm (75.00%)-lower arm (62.50%), and neck (56.25%), respectively; (2) the ergonomic risk assessment using the REBA method on both the left and the right sides had a high risk (56.25%); and (3) after ergonomically designing the modified-automatic fish scale remover, the results showed that the level of fatigue of both on the left and right was lower, and on the left-side, the risks were reduced to low risk (62.50%), on the right-side, the risks were reduced to medium risk (100%).

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How to Cite
Kongkhunthod, P., Watcharosin, T., Seewunna, K., Wongsat, T., Sansoen, N., Khuaklang, S., Sunsernsuk, J., Sriviset, K., & Phengarree, K. (2022). Ergonomic Design of Automatic Fish Scale Remover to Reduce Working Posture Risk among Fish Scale Removing Workers. Thai Journal of Safety and Health, 15(1), 187–205. Retrieved from (Original work published November 24, 2021)
Research Articles


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