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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article text file and title page information are in Microsoft Word.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a Cordia New font size 16; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The authorship form and copyright transfer form must be submitted with the cover letter and manuscript.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript submission

Detail for submission

              All manuscripts should be submitted online only at Journal of Medical Globalization ( The corresponding author should take the responsibility for the paper submitted during all stages of submission, especially responding to the peer’s reviews. If author has any technical problem with the submission process, the author can contact at e-mail for further support. After submission, the manuscript is not allowed for changing any information within, unless following the suggestion from the reviewers. The files must be sent in native format of the word processor used. Please also follow the hyperlink “Submissions” and follow the instructions given on the screen of the journal homepage.

Online proof correction

             The proof will be sent to the corresponding author via the e-mail. Correction of proofs by authors should be sent back to the editor within 3 days. No significant change nor any information adds to the article as accepted for publication, unless get the permission from the editor. Authors must take the responsibility for all the scientific accuracy of the paper published in this journal, including any errors made by authors. Proofreading is solely authors’ responsibility, thus please check carefully. After sending back the proof to the editor, any subsequent correction cannot be totally done.


Submission preparation

              All manuscripts must be typed in double-spaced, using Cordia New font size 16. All pages should be numbered sequentially, with line numbers. The cover letter to the editor should mention the highlight and novel findings. The authorship form and copyright transfer form must be submitted with the cover letter and manuscript.

After acceptance

             If accepted, all the manuscripts must not be published elsewhere using the same data, either in the same language or another, without the consent from the editor-in-chief, or executive editor.


Title page information

            The content of the title page information must include;

            1. Title

            Concise and informative title is required. The full title is not limited in length. Avoid using the abbreviations in the title.

            2. Authors names and affiliations

            Please indicate all the authors first and last names below the title. The author’s affiliations should be addressed below the name of authors. The country name is also required.

            3. Corresponding author

            For indicating the corresponding author, who will handle the correspondence at all stages of the publication, uses the superscript * at that name. The e-mail address of the corresponding author is required with clearly written.



             The second page after the title page is the “Abstract” page.

             The abstract should be stated briefly containing purpose of the research, material and methods in brief, important results, and conclusion. There is no need to separate in headings. Words count should not be more than 2,000 words. No table, graph, nor reference, presented in the abstract.



              Below the abstract, state 5 keywords with “semicolon” to separate each keyword from each other. The short phrases are also accepted.


Types of manuscript

           Various kinds of manuscripts are welcome to this journal.

1. Original article

         This type of the manuscript includes any kind of the original research work and meta-analysis. The original article should have the structure separated into various sections, i.e., introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement, conflict of interest, and references. Each heading section should be written with bold face. For subheadings or subdivision, the italics should be used instead.


                 State the objectives of the studies, including the essential and adequate background of the related work. Please avoid to mention the summary of the results in this part.

        Materials and methods

                   Provide the adequate details for the reproduction of this work by other researchers in the future. Those methods that already published elsewhere should be stated in brief and indicated by a reference. Any method or technique that is modified should be described in detail.


                   Results should be clear, using graphs or tables to demonstrate the data, and concise. Avoid repeating the results in Figure or table legends.


                   This part should explain the significance of the results, including the citations of the work related to the results. Please avoid the extensive citations.


                 Summary all the results in this part, either stand alone or in the conclusion part.


                 State the acknowledgement in the separate section after the conclusion, not include in the footnotes or elsewhere.

        Conflict of interest

               Declare all the conflict of interest of the studies after the acknowledgement. All the funding sources should be clarified in this section.


              The Vancouver referencing style is the citation style of this journal. In the text, write the reference with an Arabic number in brackets at the end of the cited sentence. For more information about the Vancouver style, please visit the website VANCOUVER REFERENCING QUICK GUIDE ( for quick information. Avoid using unpublished data or personal communication as references of the studies.

2. Review article

               The summary of the studies should be written in order. Figures or tables can be used to demonstrate in this type of article. The conclusion should be mentioned as the last paragraph. Acknowledgement and conflict of interest can also be stated in this article.

3. Short communication

               Preliminary reports ahead of full manuscripts are also accepted. The structure of the short communication is composed of various sections running in the same pattern as original article. Word counting should not be exceeded 2,500 words, including at most 2 figures/tables.

4. Letter to the editor

               All readers are welcome to show their own opinions to the editor, as the “letter to the editor”. In contrast, the authors of the criticized published articles can response to those authors, in this journal in the same discussed issues. Word counting should not have more than  2,500 words. Figures or tables are not accepted in this kind of manuscript.

5. Case report

                For sharing the special knowledge and practices in medical fields, the case report is also accepted for publication in this journal. Sections include introduction, clinical profiles of patients, treatment and outcome, discussion of the important points, and conclusion.



               Please avoid submit table as image. All tables can be placed in the separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Running the number of tables consecutively and in accordance with their appearances in the text.



                Please use the figure in the format of JPEG, PDF, and MS office. Color reproduction is also accepted for publication. Figures should have resolution at least 200 dpi with file size less than 2 Mb. The figure number is required and figure legend should be described, not repeating the content in the text. All figures should be submitted in separated pages, as well.


The templates for the article and the authorship form  are available here:

Original Article


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.