Publication Ethics

              Journal of Medical Globalization, a double-blinded peer-reviewed journal, respects the knowledge and quality of works of all authors, including the funding sources. We empower all the scientific work submitted to our journal. All manuscripts submitted to this journal must not have been previously published anywhere, nor on going process of consideration for publication in any kind of media and proceedings in the conference. Correction of English language before submission by native speaker is strongly required, if English is not the authors’ first language. All manuscripts submitted to the journal with the understanding that all authors have obtained the authority for publication. In addition, all the studies in the manuscripts must follow the ethical rules and should get the ethical approval for performing all the researches in fields of animals and human studies. After submission, the decision by editor-in-chief, either entering the process of reviewing or rejection of the manuscript, is the final decision. For high quality of the journal, all manuscripts must have peer reviewed.


Duties of authors

               The authors must agree to the submission of manuscript and to the order of their names on the title page by signing in the authorship form. They must also agree that the corresponding author acting on their behalf throughout the submission and publication processes. Their article is original, no plagiarism and self-plagiarism, not previous published or in process of consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism, not limited to the text, also is any part of table, figure, including legends related to them. The journal reserves the right to use software for detecting plagiarism. The research result must not contain fabrication, manipulation, or falsification of data. All data presented in the manuscript must be accurated. Those ideas or results previously published should be acknowledged and cited in the references. If table or figure have been previously published elsewhere, the permission must be got from the copyright owner. The authors must take all responsibilities of their own manuscripts. It is strongly recommended that the manuscript should be edited for English correction prior to submitting the manuscript, if English is not the authors’ first language. All funding sources or any conflict of interest must be stated in separated part of “Acknowledgement” and “Conflict of Interest”, though there is no conflict. The corresponding author must take responsibility for the decision of submission for publication.


Human and animal subjects

               All researches performed with human or animal subjects, blood, and tissue samples derived from them, must declare the ethical approval by stating the approval codes in the text.


Duties of editorial team

               The editorial team will professionally work, with fairness, contribution to novel knowledge, and high quality. The COPE guidelines are to be followed for all research publications. All the ideas or information gained from the submission, review, or publication processes will be kept confidentially and will not be used for personal benefit. The double blinded peer-reviewed process will be conducted for all manuscripts. If anyone in the editorial team has conflict of interest, he will skip himself from the publication process. The overall process will last not more than 3 months.


Publication decision

               Whether or not the manuscript will be rejected or further processed for publication, depends solely on editor-in-chief, whom may be guided by the member of the editorial board. The editor’s decision is based on plagiarism, ethical issue, copyrights, and evidence-based results or information gained in the manuscript.


Duties of reviewers

              All reviewers must respect to the review process, and keep confidentially all the information, results, or data gained in the publication processes. The data gained must not be used personally, or even discussed with others before publishing. The reviewers should suggest the authors to read and cite papers strictly following the format of the journal. Moreover, the reviewers must not force the authors to cite any article without the academic justification or for the purpose of acceptance. The reviewers have to declare the conflict of interest in case of knowing the author, or involving in the research, and have to decline the review. Personal idea or opinion without scientific evidences must not be used in the review process.