Mental health problems among caregivers of the elderly with chronic illnesses, Chiang Rai Province
mental health problems, elderly caregiver, elderly with chronic diseasesAbstract
This research aims to study the mental health problems and factors related to the mental health problems of caregivers for elderly with chronic illnesses in Chiang Rai province. The sample group consists of 400 caregivers of elderly with chronic illnesses. The research tools used include personal factor questionnaires, stress assessment forms, anxiety assessment forms, and depression assessment forms. Data was collected from March to October 2022 and analyzed using statistical analysis, including frequencies and percentages. Factors related to mental health issues were analyzed using Chi-square analysis at a significance level of .05.
The research results show that the majority of the sample group is female (74.5%), with an average age of 45.2 years. Most fall within the 40-49 age range (49.0%), and an education at the high school level (37.0%). About 65.5% are married, and 53.0% have sufficient income but no savings. Furthermore, 77.7% have good family relationships, and 47.0% care for an elderly relative who is either parents. Approximately 50.2% experience low levels of stress, 54.5% have low levels of anxiety, and 32.5% have low levels of depression. Regarding the analysis of relationships, it was found that gender is significantly related to all three aspects of mental health (stress, anxiety, and depression) at a significance level of 0.05 (2 = 17.634 p-value = 0.001,
2 = 9.234 p-value = 0.029, and
2 = 12.594 p-value = 0.001). Income sufficiency and family relationships are also significantly related to stress at a significance level of 0.05 (
2 = 9.372 p-value = 0.030, and
2 = 8.919 p-value = 0.038).
From this study, it is evident that the mental health of caregivers for elderly with chronic illnesses is a significant issue, encompassing stress, anxiety, and depression. Public sector organizations, such as local health promotion hospitals and community health volunteers, must play a role in addressing the mental health of caregivers for elderly with chronic illnesses.
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