The Effects of the Supportive Educative Nursing System on Self-care Behaviors and Risk for Infection Among Hematological Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
educative supportive nursing system, self-care behavior, risk of infection, hematological cancer patientsAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine effects of an educative supportive nursing system on the self-care behaviors and risk of infection among hematological cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The participants were randomized to the intervention group (n = 30) and the control group (n = 30). The intervention group received a four-week program developed from Orem's theoretical concepts, consisting of: 1) teaching, 2) guiding, 3) support and encouragement, and 4) creating a supportive environment. The control group received usual care. The instruments used for collecting data included: 1) a demographic data form, 2) a risk of infection form, and 3) a self-care behavior form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-squared test, dependent and independent t-tests. After the completion of intervention, the mean score of self-care behavior of the experimental group was statistically higher than at baseline and the control group (p< 0.001). The level of risk of infection (the risk of infection = 23.3%, the risk of precaution infection = 76.7%) was lower than the control group (the risk of infection = 53.3%, the risk of precaution infection = 46.7%). This study shows that an educative supportive nursing system can improve self-care behaviors and reduce the risk of infection among hematological cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Therefore, nurses may consider implementing this program among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in order to enhance their self-care behaviors and reduce risk of infection.
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