The Role of Community Leaders in Enhancing the Well-Being of Community Members during the Spread of COVID-19


  • Vittavat Changsorn Independent Scholar, 137 Seri Village Rama XI, Phatthanakan Road 58, Suan Luang Subdistrict, Suan Luang District, Bangkok 10250
  • Meechai Orsuwan Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


leadership, community well-being, participatory communication


The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine the community leaders’ roles in enhancing the well-being of community members who resided in Bangkok, Samutprakarn, Nonthaburi, Khonkaen, Krabi, Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using  case studies as a research design, the researchers collected data through In-depth Interviews with 20 Key Informants (7 community leaders and 13 community members) to interpret the roles of the community leaders in enhancing the well-being of community members during the spread of COVID-19. The data were collected during October 2021 and October 2022. The research found that their community leaders took on eight (8) vital roles: motivator, learning space creator, leader maker, facilitator, fundraiser, peacemaker, human resource creator, and public relation and communicator.


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How to Cite

Changsorn V, Orsuwan M. The Role of Community Leaders in Enhancing the Well-Being of Community Members during the Spread of COVID-19. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];27(2):231-45. available from:



Research article