Pharmaceutical Inventory Management Using ABC and VEN Matrix In Raj Pracha Samasai Institute


  • Piyanee Oniam สถาบันราชประสมาสัย


Inventory management, Pharmaceutical distribution, ABC analysis, VEN analysis, ABC-VEN analysis


This research is a descriptive research. The objectives were to study and analyze trends in drug distribution for each drug group classified by ABC–VEN analysis, and use the results of this study as a guideline for planning drug inventory management to be appropriate for each drug group to reduce the cost of drug budget expenditure, increase the efficiency of drug administration and promote rational use of drugs. The population in this study was the annual expenditures incurred on each item of drugs in the pharmacy department of Raj Pracha Samasai Institute for fiscal years 2017 – 2020. The ABC analysis (Always, Better, Control) based on drug expenditure, VEN analysis (Vital, Essential, Non-essential) based on the criticality of drugs and ABC-VEN Matrix analysis were used to group the different types of drugs to three categories I, II and III. Data analysis was conducted by Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and by statistical method. In four fiscal-years ABC analysis, group A account for a large proportion of fund (79.89%) in the small number items (16.10%) while group C account for a large number of items (64.20%) but small proportion of drug expenditure (5.03%). The VEN analysis showed group V account for a small proportion of drug expenditure (0.13%) in the small number items (2.25%) while group N account for medium number of items (24.02%) but large proportion of drug expenditure (46.41%) nearby group E account for large proportion of drug expenditure (53.46%) in the large number items (73.73%). Form the ABC-VEN matrix analysis, majority of drug expenditure were Category I which includes drug group AV, AE, AN, BV and CV. Most of the category I were AE and AN groups, CV groups were vital drugs which require most attention for availability and control. ABC-VEN analysis should be routinely performed before initiation of new fiscal year for efficient management to improvement in patient care and also efficient use of resources.


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How to Cite

Oniam P. Pharmaceutical Inventory Management Using ABC and VEN Matrix In Raj Pracha Samasai Institute. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];25(2):258-72. Available from:



Research article