Problems and Obstacle to the Use of Emergency Service Systems of Monks in Northern Provinces of Thailand


  • Niwat Songsin
  • Waraporn Boonchieng


Problems and Obstacle Emergency Service Systems Monks


The objectives of this research were to study problems and obstacle to emergency service systems of monks and to study knowledge to emergency service systems of monks in northern provinces of Thailand. This research is qualitative. The method of data collection uses an in-depth interview with a sample of seven monks. The results of the interviews of the samples revealed that most of the problems and obstacles of the monks in using the emergency medical service system are caused by the delay of the emergency ambulance, which is why the service is not called. And the call to report the incident involves many difficult steps, wherein sometimes the officers use impolite words. Most of the time, there are 2 ways to receive emergency medical services, which are by yourself because it is convenient, no wasting time waiting for an emergency ambulance, or waiting for it because it is safe, and there are support staff to help while taking them to the hospital. Each method has different significance and most monks still lack knowledge of the emergency medical service system, thus the monks do not know how to help themselves first during an emergency. The results of this study can be used to guide the development of emergency medical systems for monks.


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How to Cite

Songsin N, Boonchieng W. Problems and Obstacle to the Use of Emergency Service Systems of Monks in Northern Provinces of Thailand. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];25(2):247-5. Available from:



Research article