The Outcomes of Applying Way of Dhamma of Life Principles for the Health Promotion Model for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Patients, Ban Chang Sub-district, Muang District, Pathum Thani Province


  • Panian Grasung
  • Jerasak Thappa


the way of Dhamma of life, non-communicable disease, Health Promotion Model


The objectives of the study were to 1) compare blood glucose levels and blood pressure levels of the experimental group before and after applying the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way in Ban Chang subdistrict, Muang district, Pathum Thani province, 2) compare blood glucose levels and blood pressure levels between the experimental group and the control group after applying the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way, and 3) compare the behaviors in practice in the health promotion between the experimental group and the control group after applying the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way. The samples were divided into 2 groups, which were the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group consisted of 36 diabetes and hypertension patients as a chronic non-communicable disease, and the control group was 36 non-disease persons which were selected by purposive sampling. The tool for the experiment was the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way comprising 3 ส. practices ( praying practice, meditation practice, and Dhamma dialogue practice), 3 อ. Practice (physical exercises, foods, and emotions), 1 น. Practice ( implementation of 3 ส., 3 อ. for the way of life. In each activity of practice consumed 1 hour which was intermittent time 1 week. The tool for collecting data was a questionnaire on the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way and checked the content validity by 5 experts. The index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of a questionnaire was 0.71 with a reliability level of 0.70. The data were analyzed by the statistics of percentage, mean and standard deviation.  The comparisons of blood glucose levels and blood pressure levels of the experimental group before and after applying the health promotion model are based on the principles of Dhamma’s way using pair sample t-test. While the comparisons of blood glucose levels and blood pressure levels between experimental group and control group as well as behaviors in practice after applying using independent sample t-test.

            The results of this study showed that blood glucose levels and systolic blood pressure levels of the experimental group after applying the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way had lower than before applying, at a statistical significance level of .01. The blood glucose levels and systolic blood pressure levels of the experimental group revealed that reduce more than the control group at a statistical significance level of .01. While the mean of the experimental group after the health promotion model based on the principles of Dhamma’s way had higher than the control group at a statistical significance level of .01.


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How to Cite

Grasung P, Thappa J. The Outcomes of Applying Way of Dhamma of Life Principles for the Health Promotion Model for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Patients, Ban Chang Sub-district, Muang District, Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];25(2):180-95. Available from:



Research article