Relationships between Smartphone Usage Behaviors and Health Conditions among Public University Students


  • นัฐพล ปันสกุล School of medicine, University of Phayao
  • ศุภกาญจน์ แก่นท้าว School of medicine, University of Phayao


smartphone usage behaviors, health status, university students


This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to investigate smartphone usage behaviors, health status, and factors associated with health status among public university students. The samples were 645 public university students, were selected by using multi-stage sampling procedures. The data were collected using a questionnaire consisted 3 parts. Part 1: demographic data. Part 2: smartphone usage behaviors assessment. And Part 3: health status assessment. The Cronbarch’s alpha coefficients were 0.785 and 0.876 respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square inferential statistics, and Spearman’s correlation coefficient at 99% confidence interval.

The results showed that university students were 18-20 years old. Duration of smartphone use was more 6 years (mean 6.13 years). Most used time period was 18.00-21.00. The mean amount of time spent using smartphone was 1 hour and 15 minutes. Smartphone usage behaviors were moderate to high levels. Affecting the health status at a moderate level. Factors; age, father's occupation, money received each month, and the type of internet were correlated with health status at statistically significant p-value < 0.001. Smartphone usage behaviors positively correlated with health status (r = 0.359, p-value < 0.001). Thus, the relevant agencies should be used in reducing smartphone addiction behavior formulation stimulation measures for prevent the impact on health status in the university student group.


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Author Biography

นัฐพล ปันสกุล, School of medicine, University of Phayao

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How to Cite

ปันสกุล น, แก่นท้าว ศ. Relationships between Smartphone Usage Behaviors and Health Conditions among Public University Students. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(2):279-91. available from:



Research article