The Effects of Multimedia Learning Tool on Nursing Students


  • สิริทรัพย์ - สีหะวงษ์
  • ณัฐสุดา คติชอบ
  • อังศวีร์ จันทะโคตร


multimedia learning tool, nursing students


        This research was a quasi – experimental research by conducting one group pretest - posttest design. The objectives of this research were to study the effectiveness of multimedia learning tool, used in the Primary Medical Care Course and to study students' satisfaction with multimedia learning tool. The sample size was collected from 74 people who were 3rd year students at  Ubon Ratchathani University’s Faculty of Nursing and enrolled in the Primary Medical Care Course in the academic year of 3/2017. This research used a multimedia learning tool, an assessment of satisfaction on the multimedia learning tool and a test of knowledge in primary health assessment for nurses. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, paired – sample test, and analyzing qualitative data from open-ended questions concerning recommendations for multimedia learning tool.                                                                       

        The result of the study showed that the average score of the knowledge test after studying with multimedia learning tool was significantly higher than those before, at the significant level of .001. For the student satisfaction with multimedia learning tool, overall students were satisfied with the multimedia learning tool in the highest level with an average score of 4.55 (S.D. = 0.56). When considering each dimension, using multimedia learning tool obtained the highest average score of 4.57 (S.D. = 0.59). Meanwhile instructor reached the average score of 4.48 (S.D. = 0.58) and teaching activities achieved the average score of 4.47 (S.D. = 0.58).    


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สิริทรัพย์ - สีหะวงษ์

Thailand Citation Index Centre


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How to Cite

สีหะวงษ์ ส-, คติชอบ ณ, จันทะโคตร อ. The Effects of Multimedia Learning Tool on Nursing Students. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];23(2):184-93. available from:



Research article