

  • กฤตวรรณ สาหร่าย Huachiew Chalermprakiet University Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare
  • ภุชงค์ เสนานุช
  • ขัตติยา กรรณสูต


long-term care model, dependent elderly, industrial Area



This research is a mixed methods research composed of quantitative and qualitative research. The objectives are to study the situation, needs, and problems of long-term care (LTC), analyze policy, plan, mechanism and present LTC model for the elderly in the industrial area. The sample population is 3,130 elderly people who are dependent on Samutprakarn Province and 355 people randomly selected, collect data by using questionnaires along with in-depth interviews with those involved in LTC 31 people, analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The study found that the situation, needs, and problems of LTC, 70.1% of the dependent elderly who had the Barthel Activities of Daily Living: ADL score of 5-11, while 29.9% of elderly at ADL score equal or less than 4, 98.6% of the elderly were sick and most was non-communicable diseases, 42.3% needed someone to take care all the time, 41.4% had cared for an uncertain period and 16.3% were left alone. The dependent elderly who need LTC service was at a high level (mean 3.47) ranging from community service (mean 3.70) followed by the home service (mean 3.43) and Institutional services (mean 3.11) respectively. The overall problem of LTC was at a high level (mean 3.63). Performance in the years 2016 - 2019, 22 local administrative organizations were participating in the LTC program for a total of 48 locations. There were 79 care managers (CM), caregivers (CG) of 477 people, conducted a care plan of 1,423 cases, disbursed 70.77%. According to the findings, the researcher presents the LTC model by dividing the elderly into 3 groups. Group 1: 40-59 years old should focus on promoting health and preventing chronic infectious diseases (non-communicable diseases: NCDs).  Group 2: 60 or older should be prepared to enter the LTC system. Group 3:  older people who can help themselves should promote health and prevent disease. Classification of the elderly should assess ADL together with family and community because in the industrial area there is a problem with limited time in caring for the elderly and being an urban society. In service, emphasizing community service and home services, management of local administrative organizations to prepare a memorandum of cooperation with relevant agencies so that all sectors are involved in caring for the elderly and developing a sustainable system.


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How to Cite

สาหร่าย ก, เสนานุช ภ, กรรณสูต ข. รูปแบบการดูแลระยะยาวสำหรับผู้สูงอายุในพื้นที่อุตสาหกรรม. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];23(2):229-41. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HCUJOURNAL/article/view/182517



Research article