Development of Teaching and Learning in Maternal Nursing and Midwifery 2 on the Results for the 4th Bachelor of Nursing Students, 36th Generation, Srimahasarakham Nursing College
Development of teaching and learning, Academic Performance, Courses of maternal and newborn nursing and midwifery 2Abstract
Nursing is a profession that employs both the science and art of nursing practice and is essential to providing services in the health system to meet the needs of society, both healthy people and people with health problems and their families and communities. Maternal and newborn nursing and midwifery 2 is a specific subject in the maternal and newborn nursing and midwifery Department, organized for the 4th year Bachelor of Nursing Students. The course characteristics are to provide students with knowledge in maternal nursing, newborn nursing and midwifery with risks and complications during pregnancy, labor and postpartum stages. It has a variety designed for teaching and learning activities, including lectures, group discussions, Simulation-Based Learning (SBL) and mind mapping. This article aims to present the development of teaching and learning, summary, and recommendations to provide academic instruction maternal and newborn nursing and midwifery 2 that will be useful for further teaching management.
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