Outcome of Online learning practice management in nursing students during the epidemic situation of coronavirus 2019: Case study of the comprehensive nursing practicum midwifery.


  • Sukrita Takaree -
  • Pichaporn Janthanakul
  • Rattanaporn Niwasanon
  • Kanjana Ngamjuntratip
  • Siriporn Samsee


Online learning management, Online nursing practice, The pandemic situation of the Coronavirus , The pandemic situation of the Coronavirus 2019


The epidemic situation of coronavirus 2019, Faculty of Nursing Siam University. Teaching has been adjusted to an online format. In the Comprehensive nursing, practicum midwifery has applied the Microsoft Teams program and PDCA concept together with Bloom's Taxonomy theory to design for online teaching and learning. The objective is to study the results of online practical learning management. This is mixed research. To study research outcome of online learning practice management in nursing students during the epidemic situation of coronavirus 2019: a case study of the comprehensive nursing practicum midwifery. The sample consisted of 16 students choosing a specific sample (Purposive sampling) as students voluntarily signing up for collective comprehensive nursing practicum midwifery. During December 2021–January 2022. Research tools 1) Group discussion. 2) Student group interview. 3) The online practice management questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis of group discussions, and student group interviews. And in-depth lecturers and additional comments from the online practice management questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed from the mean, percentage, and frequency. The results showed that Self-study and acquiring knowledge while studying online are self-study 100 percent.  Content received and expectations for online learning accounted for 95 percent. Applying digital technology skills accounted for 96 percent. The problems and obstacles or limitations in teaching accounted for 87 percent. Online learning students will gain knowledge increase analytical thinking and see more operational roles, but students will lack practical experience. When giving nursing care patients may be afraid to perform the procedure because of a lack of practical skills.

          The results of this study reflect the weakness of online learning, namely, teaching and learning management that students do not see the atmosphere in the real place and lack of interaction with patients. The strength of online learning is that students can prepare to link knowledge to practice.


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How to Cite

Takaree, S., Janthanakul , P. ., Niwasanon , R. ., Ngamjuntratip , K. ., & Samsee , S. . (2023). Outcome of Online learning practice management in nursing students during the epidemic situation of coronavirus 2019: Case study of the comprehensive nursing practicum midwifery. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 23(45), 73–88. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nursingsiamjournal/article/view/257920



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