The Role of Nurses in the Assessment of Nutritional Status in Elderly


  • Atchara Thatchai Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing


Nutritional status, screening, assessment of nutritional status


Caring for the elderly in the aging society with chronic non-communicable diseases, which has been significantly growing, the primary cause is nutritional disorders. These nutritional problems lead to the increase in malnutrition in elders, resulting in challenges for clinical nurses in terms of the screening and the assessment of the nutritional status, in order to provide nursing care to achieve better health outcomes for patients. The purpose of this article is to explain the definition of nutritional status, the importance of malnutrition in the elderly, the screening and the assessment of nutritional status using appropriate nutritional assessment tools for elders. The nursing’s roles in screening and evaluating the nutritional status. The author aims that the contents in this article can be applied in caring for the elderly.


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How to Cite

Thatchai, A. (2022). The Role of Nurses in the Assessment of Nutritional Status in Elderly. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 22(43), 137–149. Retrieved from



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