Common abnormalities during labour: Applied to teaching nursing students
Abnormalities, stage of labour, teaching, nursing studentsAbstract
At present, Thai society is rapidly changing in population structure. The number of births is reduced by some factors. For example, the majority of people are more likely to be single and there is drop in marriages. Couples have fewer children or no children. The elderly population has increased rapidly. In addition to the number of births, the quality of birth is also a consequence of the risk or complication that occurs during birth in the first, second, third and fourth trimester. In 2015, the data from in-depth interview with obstetricians who were nurses in delivery department, the Northeast Region of Thailand, found that common abnormalities or complications during childbirth included maternal abnormalities related to delivery factors e.g. power, passage, and passenger. Mothers with complications in the first and second trimester have faced PROM, pre-term, post-term, obstructed labor, and fetal distress. Mothers have complications in the third and fourth trimester e.g. postpartum hemorrhage, retained placenta, and commons operative obstetrics e.g. cesarean section and induction of labor. Therefore, the application of transferring problem situations to theory and to practice for teaching nursing students is important. When they graduated, being nursing staffs should be aware of the situation and the importance of risk or complication during labor. They are able to provide caring to prevent such complications and leads to safe birth. Healthy newborn growing with quality is important for develop the country in the future.
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