Women’s Health and Diving
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Diving activities among female divers are becoming increasingly popular. With the current trend of people being more health-conscious and seeking medical advice regarding diving-related risks, there has been a continuous increase in inquiries for medical recommendations. Upon examining anatomical factors, physiological changes, and individual factors that might affect the performance and risks associated with diving for female divers, it has been found that there is no significant difference in the risk of decompression sickness between female and male divers. However, it is noted that immersion pulmonary edema may be more prevalent in females than in males. Diving during menstruation or while using contraceptives or hormones is generally safe. Female divers who are planning to become pregnant or are currently pregnant should avoid diving. Postpartum women should refrain from diving until surgical wounds are fully healed and there is no risk of infection. Breastfeeding women can safely engage in diving activities since nitrogen does not dissolve in breast milk. Women who are post-menopausal can dive if they do not have any pre-existing health conditions that contraindicate diving or severe osteoporosis of the spine. Additionally, it has been observed that women with breast implants do not have an increased risk of decompression sickness. Therefore, if female divers are well-informed about the potential risks and impacts of diving, they can mitigate dangers and enhance their diving performance. This knowledge and understanding will help female divers to dive more safely and effectively.
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