Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Treatment of Malayan Pit Viper Bite Patients at Somdej Pranangchaosirikit Hospital
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Malayan pit viper is a snake that can be found in every region of Thailand. Its venom affects the blood coagulation system and local complication at the bite site. Although the chance of death is found to be low, most of the patients often show local complication. The main complication are compartment syndrome and tissue necrosis. In cases that the patient has severe symptoms, surgical treatment is required and many patients become disabled. Somdej Pranangchaosirikit hospital has used hyperbaric oxygen therapy to prevent and treat local complication in patients bitten by Malayan pit viper to reduce disability from local complication. From the data collection in 33 patients from May 2013 - May 2018, it was found that HBO2T could reduce compartment syndrome and extensive tissue necrosis, as well as reduce the incidence of fasciotomy and debridement, thereby contributing to a reduction in the incidence of Malayan pit viper bite morbidity. There should be clear indications for selecting patients for HBO2T. However, further randomized control trial study is still needed.
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