Factors Related to Caring Behaviors of Naval Nursing Students in New Normal Era
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The purposes of this descriptive correlational research were to study the naval nursing students’ level of caring behaviors and examine factors related to caring behaviors with classified by learning at different year levels, GPAX and quality of life. The sample consisted of 152 naval nursing students, from first to fourth year in academic year 2023, who were recruited by using a proportional stratified random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires on caring behaviors and quality of life. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and Pearson correlation. The findings were as follows:
1. The overall level of caring behavior among naval nursing students accounted for high level (Mean = 4.29, SD = 0.75), calculated as 84.20%. The quality of life was at a good level (Mean = 3.67, SD = 0.98), calculated as 78.20%.
2. The relationship between the quality of life and caring behaviors of naval nursing students was positive at a medium level, with a statistical significance of .01 (r = .637, p < .01).
3. Educational levels and GPAX showed no correlation with caring behaviors.
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