A Comparative Study of Selected Factors among School-aged Children and Parents between Normal Nutritional Children and At-risk of Metabolic Syndrome Children in Chainat Province
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This descriptive comparative study aimed to compare the knowledge of metabolic syndrome in school-aged children and their parents, children’s food consumption behavior, exercise and activity behavior and parental support between children with normal nutritional status and children at-risk of metabolic syndrome. The samples were students aged 10 - 12 years studying in grades 4 - 6 and their parents in Chainat province, divided into normal nutritional group (N = 124) and at-risk group (N = 62). Research instruments included 1) personal information questionnaire, 2) knowledge of metabolic syndrome questionnaire, 3) food consumption behavior questionnaire, and 4) exercise and activity behavior questionnaires for children. The content validity index was 1 and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.99, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were 0.81 and 0.83, respectively. The knowledge of metabolic syndrome questionnaire and parental support questionnaire were used for parents with content validity index of 1 and Cronbach's alpha coefficients of 0.90 and 0.96, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. The results indicated that there were no significant differences of knowledge of metabolic syndrome of children and their parents, food consumption behavior and parental support between children with normal nutritional status and children at-risk of metabolic syndrome (z = - 0.400, p > .05, z = - 0.218, p > .05, z = - 0.026, p > .05, t = 0.369, p > .05 respectively). They had significant differences in exercise behavior and physical activities (t = 2.860, p < .05). At-risk children had lower average scores of exercise behaviors and physical activities than children with normal nutritional status. This study therefore suggests that parents, teachers and school administrators should support children to have appropriate exercise and physical activities in order to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome in school-aged children.
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