Effects of Sleep Hygiene Promotion Program and Sleep Acupressure on the Quality of Sleep and Severity of Insomnia in the Elderly with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 4-5 before Receiving Kidney Replacement Therapy
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of a sleep hygiene promotion program and sleep acupressure on sleep quality and severity of insomnia in elderly with chronic kidney disease stages 4-5 before receiving kidney replacement therapy. The sample consisted of 64 elderly with stage 4-5 chronic kidney disease before kidney replacement therapy and separated into a control group and an experimental group with 32 people each. The sample group was selected using purposive sampling according to specific characteristics. The experimental group received a program to promote sleep hygiene and sleep acupressure while the control group received normal nursing care. The research tools were a sleep hygiene promotion and sleep acupressure program which were developed by the researchers. The validity index of research tools was 0.97 and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.88. The validity of severity of insomnia symptoms questionnaire was 0.97 and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.80. The data were analyzed by using independent and paired t-test.
The results showed that the experimental group had a significantly lower mean sleep quality score (The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: PSQI) (Mean = 8.20, SD = 3.36) than the control group (Mean = 11.67, SD = 2.61) with statistical significance at the .05 level (p < .001) and the experimental group had a lower mean score on insomnia severity index (ISI) (Mean = 10.68, SD = 2.36) than the control group (Mean = 13.87, SD = 3.73) with statistical significance at the .05 level (p < .001). According to the results of this study, the program promotes sleep hygiene, and sleep acupressure was effective to promote sleep and reduce severity of insomnia. Professional nurses should be supported and educated in leading a program to promote sleep hygiene and sleep acupressure among elderly who have sleep problems as well as in similar population to help promote sleep and reduce the usage of medicine and minimize side effects of sleeping pills.
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