The Effect of the Continuity of Nursing Caring Model on Caregivers’ Care Behaviors for Children under Five with Acute Diarrhea
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This quasi-experimental, two-group repeated measures design aimed to study the effect of the continuity of nursing care model on caring behaviors of caregivers of children under the age of 5 with diarrhea on the 1st and 2nd week after discharge. The continuity of nursing care model was developed based on Haggerty’s model of continuity of care. A total of 56 caregivers of children under the age of 5 who were admitted to King Narai hospital, Lopburi province, with acute diarrhea were divided into two groups: experimental group consisting of 26 subjects and control group consisting of 30 subjects. They were chosen by random assignment plus matched pair according to caregivers’ educational level and experience in caring for children with diarrhea. The control group received usual nursing care, whereas the experimental group received continuity of nursing care model from the first visit until 1 week after discharge. The research instrument was the continuity of nursing care model. Caregivers’ caring behaviors were collected by using childcare behaviors interview questionnaire. The instruments were verified for content validity by 5 professional experts. The childcare behaviors interview questionnaire had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient reliability of 0.76. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and the repeated measures analysis of variance.
Results showed that caregivers’ caring behavior for children under five with acute diarrhea in the experimental group who received the continuity of nursing care at the end of the intervention and at 1 week post intervention was significantly higher than pre intervention at p .05, and was significantly higher than those who received the usual care at p .05.
The findings of this study suggest that the continuity of nursing care contributes to favorable caregiver behavioral outcomes in the prevention of acute diarrhea recurrence.
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