Relationships between Knowledge, Perceived Severity, Perceived Self-efficacy, and Transmission Prevention Behaviors of COVID-19 of Personnel, North Bangkok University
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This descriptive correlational study aimed to study the relationship between knowledge, perception of the severity, perceived self-efficacy, and transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19, and to analyze predictive factors for COVID-19 transmission prevention behaviors. The sample included executives, faculties, and supporting staff in the academic year 2021 of North Bangkok University. The sample size composed of 132 subjects recruited by simple random sampling. The research instruments included 1) knowledge related to COVID-19 Infection 2) COVID-19 Infection Severity Awareness, 3) perceived self-efficacy related to the COVID-19 prevention and 4) transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19 assessment. The content validity was checked by using the Item Objective Congruence (IOC) from 3 experts which were between 0.80 - 1 for all. The reliability was tested for knowledge assessment tool yielding KR-20 obtained value of 0.72. In addition, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient reliability was tested for the perception of the severity assessment tool, the perceived self-efficacy assessment tool, and the transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19 assessment tool which obtained values of 0.70, 0.75, and 0.94, respectively.
The result revealed the following:
1. The perceived self-efficacy and transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19 had a statistically significant high level of positive correlation (r = .604, p < .01). Furthermore, perceptions of disease severity and transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19 had a statistically significant low level of positive correlation (r = .269, p < .01)
2. Both perceptions of the disease severity and self-efficacy could explain the variability in transmission prevention behaviors of COVID-19 which was 37.4 percent (R2 = .374, p < .001)
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